Okay, I waited long enough for the boatyard, in fact
boatyard -- and god knows I tried many over the past couple of weeks --
to haul-out Chip Ahoy. Maybe it would happen, maybe not, seemed to
be the best response, but not until mid-November. So it was time to take matters into my own
hands, finally. |
Thus, I arranged a crew of my friends to trailer-out Chip
Ahoy at the Winter Island ramp, in Salem across the harbor from my mooring, for today
(Oct. 26. 2006) --
the best weather opportunity we had coming at us. I bundled up
(dug out the long underwear even!).
See a close-up shot
I went down to the town dock and was met by an older gent
running the launch (I guess the younger folks have all gone back to college), who thought I was nuts trying to do it today, in this wind.
He recommended that I keep my VHF on, in case something happens on my
way over. Even for the short trip across, I buckled on my life
vest (see close-up shot above) and clipped my handheld VHF to my belt,
turned it on, "just in case." |
It was supposed to be blowing 7 mph from the
WNW, gusting
17 from the NW. He said it was blowing 20-plus anyway from the
NW, gusting to 27-30. I told him that I had a crew waiting for me
on the other shore, had to get there -- that I'd be fine. He
recommended that I keep my VHF on nonetheless, he'd be monitoring his,
just in case. |
It was an interesting trip over: my sunglasses
besotted with salt spray, but when I arrived Wally Riddle, John Graichen, and Barbara,
the love of my life and today's "official photographer," were
ready and waiting. What a relief! (Wally Riddle,
trailer-driver, in the photo
at left.) |
We quickly lined up, trailer to boat, and were
soon on the
hard in one shot in! After that, everything's possible. (Able hand John Graichen in
the photo at left.) |
With the boat out, now the fun begins -- unrigging
everything in preparation to drop the mast. Chip Ahoy has a lot to
unrig, it's time-consuming. |
It was still a bit nippy (maybe 50°
or so), but it's not going to get any
warmer for sometime to come -- like maybe 5 or 6 months! Loosening
the shroud turnbuckles was a good place to begin. |
Next came removing the main sail -- a sure sign of a
season ended. |
Wally and John laying out and folding the main sail.
Ole 3282 is retired for the season, about to be bagged for another
winter. |
Removing the roller-furled genoa. At least we had
the wind to tension it for lowering. |
With John on a line attached to the
drum to keep tension on the
forestay/roller-furler, keeping the drum from banging around and doing
damage (to the drum itself, or to my Blazer!), Wally and I prepared to
lower the mast. I've been looking forward for some time to taking
it down and finally inspecting what remained of my VHF antenna on its
top. |
The mast came down easily (gravity is
a wonderful thing, coming down), but getting the pin out was,
as usual, a bit of a problem though less so this year. Learning a
lesson from last year, we loosened all the shrouds a bit more this time.
The pin slid more easily up in the notch of the step plate, the wing nut
securing it was more accessible and turned freely. |
Wally and me, moving the mast to its supports. |
John and me, position the mast on its forward support, a
carpeted 2X4 tied across and to the bow pulpit, while Wally center the
mast on its support in the cockpit against the transom. Later, I'd
secure the mast to its supports. |
The 2006 Sailing Season has ended
Please continue . . .
to page two |