Life Beyond Boating  l  Marblehead, Massachusetts

Winter 2010
January 1-4 and . . . .
"The 'Blizzard Loop' of 2010"
The "Blizzard Loop"?

Click thumbnails below for a larger picture
Friday-Saturday, January 1-2, 2010

On New Year's Eve 2010 the next storm blew in, from the west as usual. This one differed, in that it was forecast as a "blizzard loop" pattern, which we haven't seen since "The Great Blizzard of '78" we were advised. I'd never heard the term before.

This one came from the west . . . .

It began here just after midnight and kept coming, and ain't stopped yet, hasn't even relented a little. Not a lot of accumulation, but nonstop . . .


Gilly, our mutual cat, is learning to live with being a shut-in -- not that he's happy about this situation. He decided to spend the night here, instead of trying to get home next door.

Saturday - Sunday, January 2-3, 2010

It's just kept falling, day two. . . .

Gilly has discovered the woodstove . . .


Gil found his hiding place, up in the storage room among the boxes. It took a while to finally find where he'd disappeared.


Monday, January 4, 2010
(God, is this getting old about now . . .)

