Yesterday, April 1st, we got
over 7 inches of rain -- 4" more than the one-day record we hit in
2001 during Hurricane Allison. At least it's not the two feet of snow we
got on April Fool's Day 1997! Had it been 6-7 degrees colder, the
weatherman said, it would have been and that would've
translated into 4-5 feet of the cold white stuff before drifting.
The little depression in my backyard
has turned into a growing lake. If this keeps up as predicted -- with
another nor'easter due on Sunday followed by yet another storm working
its way across the country and due to arrive later next week and stall
over us as usual -- I'll
soon have beachfront property and can build my own dock for Chip Ahoy.
Ah, "spring" in New England -- better known in these parts as
monsoon season -- has arrived after a long, hard winter. (More photos and
news reports from the day after the deluge.)