After a
month of March monsoons and torrential rainfall, April moved in and
immediately introduced spring at last. Today the temperature climbed to
almost 80° under a clear and sunny sky. It was time
to pull Chip Ahoy from alongside the house to out front so the
pre-launch work can begin.
But the first job was
to move the hill
of crushed stone that was blockading Chip Ahoy, a remnant of winter
snowplowing. Bob Donovan brought his Bobcat over and made short work of
moving it out of the way, spreading the stone around in front of the
house. (Apr. 3, 2010)
While he was leveling the mound, I hooked up the trailer
hitch to the Blazer. When he was done, I moved Chip Ahoy from its winter resting place
to its spring position. In the left photo, my step-up plank is visible
in the lower-right corner; I can back the trailer's right wheel up onto
any of the three positions to level the boat and trailer on the slanted
ground. |
With anticipation and delight, I began
the annual uncovering ritual. |
Barbara comfortably performed the official photographer
chores, assisted by a neighbor's golden retriever. Jinks
stops by a
couple times a day for his Milkbone rations. Though I don't own a pet, a
number of of them have adopted me: Barbara's cat
Gilly, Ozzie ("Slick,"
another neighbor's cat), the pair of
mallard ducks which have migrated
right up to my backyard for the past couple of years, and other assorted
wildlife. |
Chip Ahoy, stripped down to the bone --
to its skeleton
frame anyway. The temporary covers over the cabin windows wintered well,
just as I left them after removing
the windows last fall. |
The PVC pipe frame came off next, and
uncovering for the season was complete. |
The tarps, after folding, and frame
parts are ready to be stored away until next
fall. On the right, a lone and hearty crocus has sprung up where only a
few days ago it was submerged beneath the
monsoon lake.
(Closeup) |
By the end of the day Chip Ahoy was
one step closer to where it belongs. The long-range forecast for the coming week is
calling for more beautiful
weather -- sunny and seasonably warm. (Today's high temperature was 20°
- 25° above the average for this date.) I hope to get started tomorrow
(Easter Sunday) with reinstalling the first window. (Apr. 3, 2010) |
Sailing Season 2010 has officially begun! |