My OMC outboard motor mount, which I
fully restored and reconditioned before the 2003 season. Note that it
has no springs or other assist. OMC does offer a "tilt-aid cylinder
assembly" lift booster option. (Feb. 5, 2005) See OMC motor mount blowup
diagram and booster kit parts
(PDF) |
The motor mount in the "up"
It's rated for up to a 15 hp outboard,
but without the tilt aid cylinder assembly option or some sort of assist, I'd like to see someone
lift one. I have a hard enough time lifting my 9.9 hp Tohatsu.
An approximate measurement of the
vertical spacing center-to-center between bolts is 4".
The horizontal distance
center-to-center between bolts is 7".
The exact center-to-center bolt spacings, measured from inside the
lazerette on
the inner transom backing block, are 4" apart vertical by
7" apart horizontal.
Catalina Direct's new 3-spring outboard motor mount (Product #: Z2274
- $269) indicates: Vertical hole spacing center to center: 5" Horizontal hole spacing center to center: 6-1/2". |
After researching a number of
spring-assisted adjustable models that I
might use as a replacement, all had slightly varying bolt
patterns. Many were less expensive than just the tilt-aid parts for my
OMC mount, but I didn't want to start filling and drilling holes in the
transom and replacing the backing blocks. Besides, I completely rebuilt
mine from top to bottom just two years ago; it's almost as good as new.
The OMC nitrogen-filled tilt-aid cylinder and assembly hardware (½X4"
SS bolt, nut and washers, a long nylon bushing and two smaller bushings)
cost $212.51. The motor mount is rated to handle up to a 15 hp
motor, so this addition to it should do the
trick. (Apr. 24, 2005) |
Once the rain stopped this afternoon, it was one of those
rare perfect days when everything goes just the way it's supposed to, no
unexpected snags. Once I
removed the top bolt and swung the mounting board down and out of the
way, the
tilt-aid assembly bolted right into place where it belonged. The trick, of
course, is installing it with the motor mount in the up position for the
fully-extended piston to fit without needing to be compressed:
that's not going to happen by hand. While I was at it, I checked the
other bolts and snugged them up. When fully installed,
without the heavy outboard mounted, it requires a lot of pressure/weight to
lower the unit. |
Lifting it back up was a cinch: throw
the lever to the up position, give it a nudge downward to clear the
catch, and up it rises
gently. The entire installation took under an hour -- so I moved on to
install a missing masthead sheave, mount the Windex and VHF
antenna atop the mast, and replace all the shrouds with new ones. Considering that
it rained all day Saturday and until 2:00 pm today, it still turned out
to be a reasonably productive weekend with a few more projects scratched
off the 2005 pre-launch list. |
Moving on
with Season 2005 improvements |