Life Beyond Boating  l  Marblehead, Massachusetts

Spring 2009 has arrived
Let the Season Begin!

April 6, 2009

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Monday April 6, 2009

It's been a tough winter, but spring has finally arrived. Boy, the grass on that path where I threw so much rock salt needs some help, but spring's here. (Apr. 6, 2009)

Despite the spleenectomy surgery last month, yesterday I got out and moved dirt around.  I had to level out the yard, if I was going to move the boat.

The truck guys moved the big pile from in front to Chip Ahoy at the end of the week -- left me to rake and get it right, I guess, which I did yesterday.  It's looking decent.

Our cat, Gilly, kept me company throughout my photo shoot, always under foot. He's my hero, since walking me back to my house the first time I was able, post-surgery. The frigging cat takes care of me like Lassie did Timmy!

The parking lot, raked, scraped and leveled as best I could.

The wood racks and boats. There's still firewood remaining, over half a cord!

Ready for the move.

From the side of the house. It's time to move out.

Yeehaw, Chip Ahoy is at last parked out front, waiting to be uncovered!  Let the 2009 projects begin.

Let Sailing Season 2009 begin!

Dec. 28, 2008  |  Jan. 1, 2009  |  Jan 11, 2009  | Jan. 18, 2009  |  Jan. 29, 2009  |  Feb. 4, 2009  |  Back to Mar. 1, 2009

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