Preparing to move and cover Chip Ahoy for the winter, I
decided it was time to again refinish the exterior teak trim -- the
first and last time was over the winter of 2003-04 right after I bought
the boat. My plan is to remove everything and make refinishing a
winter project again. I finished up the removal yesterday.
(Nov. 8, 2007) |
Removing the
recently-installed handrails was not a
problem, nor was the teak companionway trim. But the sliding hatch
was a bear. |
Once I've got the trim removed, I'll sand it all down
again. This time, instead of teak oil, I intend to apply a number
of coats of Cetol. |
At the end of yesterday all the trim
was off, at last. The only way I was able to get the sliding hatch
rail off was with heat, from a heat gun -- thanks to the suggestion
of Bob Donovan, a contractor who parks his work vehicles in our lot.
I'd way overdone sealing them back in the spring of '04 -- the 3M 4200
was like cement! |
In the end, the port side sliding
hatch rail came off in pieces [DETAIL];
I might be able to wood-glue it back in place, or I might need to
replace it after all that effort. My left thumb is bandaged after
whacking it hard a few times with a hammer while holding the beveled
putty knife, my left hand is black-and-blue. I dinged the
pop-top's gelcoat in a few spots too. (Nov. 8, 2007)
Teak Trim Refinishing Project |
Yesterday, Michael Sullivan ("Carpe Diem") and I moved
Chip Ahoy from the driveway to the space alongside the house, then
covered it. (Nov. 9, 2007) |
Today, I finished tying the tarp off to the trailer,
before the nasty weather gets here again tonight through tomorrow --
it may even change over to our first snow flurries later tonight. |
As usual, I left an opening at the transom to crawl aboard while the
boat's covered, when and if I need to get beneath the tarp in the coming
months. The swim ladder is down, the lifeline across the transom
between the two-piece stern pulpit is unclipped for easiest access. The step ladder
will remain there for the winter. |
The individual PVC pipes
skeleton frame from last year
went back on, one pipe at a time starting forward and moving just
aft of the mast's spreaders, before we pulled the tarp over it. I
had one pipe left over, because above the cockpit I first used
Wally Riddle's
PVC cage that he'd built and which worked so well on is C22. I tied
it off to the cockpit lifelines; it reached aft to the masthead. (Nov.
9, 2007)
See: More
details of the complete skeleton frame uncovered |
Chip Ahoy's new Ullman Offshore full-battened,
loose-footed mainsail arrived from Catalina Direct a few days ago; I
opened the box, pulled out the sail, spread it out on the kitchen floor,
and took these photos today. (Nov.
2007) |
With the WNW blowing at 7 mph gusting to W at 24, today's
high temperature 40° at 2:30 pm, I drove
down to the
edge of the town cemetery to see if John Graichen had pulled
Malacass out for the winter yet. I was surprised to find it still
out on its mooring, looking lonely. (Nov. 17, 2007) |
There were two other sailboats in sight:
A larger one further out in the middle of
the harbor, and a smaller one about 60 yards astern of Malacass, with no mast
and a hull that looks like it's spent considerable time recently
entirely submerged. John must be playing chicken, last man out!
Another month and he'll be able to walk out to Malacass on
hard water.
It took me a few minutes to figure out what those telltales streaming from his
furled genoa were -- then I remembered: The duck tape he used to
patch the sail. |
It's never-ending ... so onward and forward to Sailing Season '08! |