The big day had arrived: Raising Chip Ahoy's mast
and preparing to launch for Sailing Season 2008. Wally Riddle was
at my house at 9:00 am; we quickly got the mast onto its supports aboard
the boat, the Honda outboard loaded into the back of his pickup truck,
and with Barbara -- the day's "official photographer -- following
we made quite a caravan driving the short distance across Marblehead to
Riverhead Beach on Marblehead Harbor. (Jun. 2, 2008)
-- More Launch Photos -- |
Once we got the mast raised, we installed the new
boomkicker. |
Today we launched Chip Ahoy and I brought it around
Marblehead to its mooring. (Jun. 3, 2008)
-- More Launch Photos -- |
Chip Ahoy out on its mooring off the the Village Street
town dock. It's great being able to walk down to the end of my street
and see it again swinging out there beckoning. There sure are still a lot of
empty moorings this year. (Jun. 7, 2008) |
My plan was to take the launch out later in the morning,
tweak the boom and mainsail a little to keep its roach from hitting the
backstay, then head out on my first sail of Season '08. A four-day
heat wave was approaching, due to roll over us any minute bringing
temperatures well into the 90s. Unfortunately, the "tweaking"
turned into a far more time-consuming project taking well into the afternoon and it turned
out less than successful. My first sail of the season had to wait. |
After advice sought overnight and much provided
through the discussion
group list, the experts advised that I just raise the boom;
that the roach rubbing the backstay was perfectly normal, nothing to be
concerned with. I need a slightly longer boom, which I'll deal
with next spring after finding a replacement. This morning, I
followed the advice and adjusted
everything back to where it was when I boarded Chip Ahoy yesterday!
Then I finally cast off the mooring at noon and went for the first sail of
Season '08 at last. Everything worked just fine, and it was great
being out on the water again -- especially in this heat wave we're
experiencing. (Jun. 8, 2008) |
The sun was bright, temperature in the mid-90s, but the
wind was light and very variable -- flukey I call it, spinning the
Windex like a clock out of control. Eventually I caught up with
John Graichen aboard his C22, "Malacass," just inside the Bakers-Misery Islands
channel. We'd hoped to
meet up and do another "photo shoot rendezvous" out on the Sound.
Our cell phones zeroed us in and we were soon alongside each other.
-- More Photo Rendezvous Photos --
After days of rain showers and thunderstorms, today was
too perfect to resist, so I took a comp day off from my job and headed
out. This was only my third day of sailing since the photo shoot
rendezvous, so far just on weekends. I was due for a weekday sail,
when Salem Sound has little boat traffic. I headed out between Misery
and Bakers Islands (on the horizon), looped around Misery, then tacked
back to the harbor directly into a SW wind, variable from 15 knot gusts
to the doldrums for stretches. I got back to my mooring at about
4:00 pm and took a short nap aboard. (Jun. 25, 2008) |
I'm replacing the inexpensive old
foil-over-styrofoam radar reflector with a new Davis Echomaster
aluminum model. I
rigged it to
an eye strap and
micro-block on the starboard spreader, which worked for years
suspending the old one. The metal fins on the new one quickly
chafed through the 3/16" halyard: I found it laying on the deck
the next day. I've since rigged the prescribed harness with the
reflector in the "catch rain" position recommended in the Davis
instructions. Now I need to add another eye strap and micro-block
on the spreader close to the mast so the halyard completely clears the
reflector. I'll need to have the boatyard do this now that the
mast is raised and rigged. [See progress to
follow below]
I can hear my fellow C22 owners: "Just drop the mast --
it only takes a few minutes!" Not on Chip Ahoy it doesn't:
It'd take 4-5 hours to remove the sails and furler, disconnect everything
else above and below deck and drop the mast, then
raise it back up, reconnect and readjust all. I'll pay the
boatyard to just hoist someone up to the spreader, have the job done in
less than half an hour. (Jun. 28, 2008) |
This is crazy! This morning I just ordered two
cords of firewood for the winter off months in the future -- $730 delivered -- to
arrive and be dumped in the coming week. Due to the skyrocketing
cost of heating oil for the coming winter, wood stoves are suddenly in
great demand along with firewood. The price is $90/cord more than
last fall and expected to climb higher; the supply will likely become
unavailable by late fall. I've got to cut down all the overgrown bamboo
(Japanese knotweed), clear out the wood racks (buried in this jungle somewhere)
before the firewood is delivered -- in early July for crying out
loud. (Jul. 5, 2008) |
Repair of Chip Mate, the 9 foot Beacon Boats dinghy, was
completed today. (Jul. 6, 2008)
The Dinghy Repair
Project of 2008 |
Today I brought Chip Ahoy around Marblehead to Marblehead
Harbor to have an eye strap and two micro-blocks put on the spreader for
running up the radar reflector (see above). While I had someone up
at the spreaders, I had him replace the halogen bulb for the deck light,
which I recently discovered wasn't working (delayed burn-out?); I
replaced the steaming light just above it, blown from the lightning
strike of 2006. The trip around under motor was uneventful --
except for snagging a lobster pot buoy's line in the prop!
Fortunately, the outboard started up in neutral and I freed the boat by
shifting it in and out of reverse at idle speed until the line unwound.
(Jul. 7, 2008) |
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It's never-ending ... but Sailing Season '08 has arrived and the
annual cruise is coming! |