The never-ending project to fill my hole in
the ocean while bailing it out
Sailing Season ‘10 has arrived
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Today I began cleaning and scrubbing out the cabin,
starting with hauling the wet-and-dry vacuum cleaner aboard, removing
all the dust and loose stuff. It's always
surprising to find how dirty a boat's interior can get, just sitting out
there on its mooring all summer. When I launched last spring, the
cabin was immaculate.
Here we go again. (May 13, 2010) |
With most of my office work-work caught up, Barbara on vacation
in Nevada, and the sun shining (though it's cool), I dug in at the bow
and started scrubbing with a bucket of water-Lysol-bleach mix. I
completed the forward v-berth section and will move aft on the cabin
next. |
Wally Riddle, Michael Sullivan and I trailered Chip Ahoy
to Riverhead Beach on May 25, launched the next morning on the tide.
I've finally, after all these years, met my target -- to be in the water
by Memorial Day Weekend! (May 26, 2010)
Launching for the 2010 Sailing Season |
With Chip Ahoy still stern-heavy, I went out today and
moved what I could in the cabin more forward but there wasn't much that
could be. The "food larder," a large, flat "Tupperware" container
holding canned goods, bread, utensils, and snacks -- maybe 15 pounds --
usually stowed beneath the starboard cockpit seat, I relocated to the
v-berth. After a few more tweaks of rigging, I went out for a short
sail, almost to Misery Island before the weather began to look
threatening. Still not satisfied that Chip Ahoy was fully seaworthy, I
headed back to the mooring. I arrived just before a brief shower.
Thunderstorms passed north and south of Marblehead, but bypassed us.
(May 29, 2010) |
Today -- a weather-perfect Memorial Day but for a
strange haze -- I went out
again on another shakedown sail, and found more tweaks that needed
attention, and a new problem. I noticed the
single-line reefing system was rigged incorrectly, the line going
through the wrong grommets both forward and aft. Underway I was able to
straighten this out, reroute the line and bring it back to the cockpit.
There was a strange haze over the entire area in the
morning; from home I thought it was fog, but there was also a smoky
smell when I got down to the dock. This turned out to be from widespread
forest fires more than 200 miles to our north, in Quebec, carried down
the coast by a "backdoor cold front"! The new
problem that arose is with the Hummingbird HDR 610 depth sounder. It
started out working in the morning but quickly began acting buggy,
flashing on and off until it finally died. Its settings buttons still
work, but it's not reading depth. Grr, a new problem.
The outboard (right) is still sitting too low in the
water. There's little more I can do now but run out the gas in the two
6-gallon tanks and hope this sufficiently raises the transom. (May
31, 2010) |
A severe thunderstorm hit us last night, knocked out the
electricity at home until after 8:00 this morning. My plan was to go out
to the boat, make sure everything survived (I forgot to unplug the VHF
antenna coax cable from the back of the radio when I last left the boat, and hoped it hadn't been
again!), and install the new Humminbird depth sounder and Sangean H201
AM/FM radio. While I have the
CCRadio-Plus with
its independent solar charger and all the other accessories, carrying it
back and forth is too big a nuisance, so I decided I wanted one I could
leave aboard. The Sangean -- being a "shower" radio (never heard of such
a thing) -- is waterproof, so it should resist moisture and corrosion
better than most. The label on it claims that it floats. I don't believe
this whatsoever, and don't intend to test that claim!
Humminbird wanted a base $77 just to evaluate the
problem with my failed unit; $99.99 for a new one. I ordered another HDR
610 and it arrived yesterday. With more nasty weather forecast for
today, I decided it would be a work-aboard day. There was little if any wind
anyway. The 20 gusting to 30 mph winds never materialized, the predicted
severe thunderstorms never arrived.
Having left the boat's former toolbox and many spare
parts ashore this season to lessen weight, planning for what I'd need to
do the two small jobs took a little planning ahead.
I got the radio's mounting bracket fastened on the
bulkhead, the radio mounted, then replaced the depth sounder. This time,
I used the white face plate on the cockpit side of the unit instead of
the black one. (Jun.
5, 2010) |
After a week of waiting to hear back from
the Fred J. Dion
boatyard (within sight of Chip Ahoy's mooring) about bolting on the
Windex since Monday [I spoke and
left my card with Luke, that yard's
lift guy], since being told this morning to "find someplace else" [Tom
Hayden, manager] this morning, I found someplace else and returned to my
usual standby -- Marblehead Trading Company. It took a 'drive' around
the peninsula back to almost Riverhead Beach and the Cliff Street
boatyard, near where we launched a week or two back, but it got done
upon arrival -- and it was a good excuse to be out on the water on a
Friday morning!
(Jun. 11, 2010) |
It's never-ending ... but Sailing Season '10 has arrived! |

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